Wednesday, January 28, 2009

We are happy to announce the arrival of Harrison Kash Taylor. Kash was born on Monday, Jan. 26 at 7:11 a.m. He weighed 7lbs.12oz. and was 20 inches long. Mindie was having contractions all day Sunday. So at 7:30 p.m. we decided we had better go to the hospital. We sort of expected to be sent back home, but they kept us. She was the only labor patient there that night. She progressed slowly but surely. 12 hours later he was born. Everything went well. Mindie and Kash are both doing great. Ridge is excited to have a little brother. We are sure blessed to have two wonderful little boys.


Warner said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!! He is so cute. I'm glad that everything went well. I am so jealous...I wish that our little guy was here already.

Sarah said...

Congrats! Beautiful baby. Good to hear from you and see how you are doing.

Jon Draper

The Woods People said...

WooHoo what a cutie!! I'm glad everything went well. Congrats!

nic said...

Congratulations guys! Your little boys are adorable!